Let me start by saying that acne is the absolute worst. It’s something that I battled for literally years, so trust me when I say I’m not going to try to appease you with silly cliches or false promises. What I will tell you, is that although it’s a long (& sometimes painful) journey, you CAN heal from your hormonal acne. And it’s COMPLETELY worth the effort.
In this series, when I say “acne”, I’m not talking about the hormonal zits of pubescent days past or the occasional post wax breakout. When I say that I struggled with acne, I mean that I had full blown cystic and chronic acne that liked to hang out around my mouth and on the sides of my face. It itched. It hurt. It bled. And it was, without fail, the first thing I saw when I looked in the mirror.
I seriously could change the name of this blog to Grit by Name and by Nature and by Skin Texture.
Anyone who deals with acne knows that there is no magic fix. At least not at my price point. Yes, there are laser treatments, tailored facial regiments, and even talk therapy for sufferers like us, but because my husband and I had to eat and also pay rent, those remedies were NOT an option.
Much like the Kardashians on E! or Mariah Carey at Christmastime, your acne’s unpredictable lash outs and influence over your existence just isn’t going to go away. In fact, even more so like the Kardashians, the more attention we give it, the more power we allow it to grow and wreak havoc over our emotional existence (hi hello Kanye clothing line).

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to acne, but the steps I have taken over the last couple years have COMPLETELY transformed my skin. Today I am confident in my complexion and my acne is limited to occasional zits. & believe me, I am grateful EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. for that.

Unfortunately, yes, you did read that right. I said “years”. You can’t heal your skin overnight. It’s a long journey, and it’s an emotionally trying journey, but you CAN heal from your hormonal acne. You will feel so good when one day, you can look in the mirror and see your face instead of your zits.😊
This series is comprised of two parts:
- How to Deal with your Acne: how to minimize breakouts and their emotional impact during the healing journey
- How to Heal your Acne: The steps I took that transformed my skin from chronic & cystic acne, to a clear, confident, complexion.
So let’s get to work on this together, shall we?😊
Blog Posts in this series:
How to Deal with Your Acne: Live now!
How to Heal Your Acne: Coming soon!