It’s very important in our home to have snacks. Lots and lots of snacks. Or chaos TRULY can ensue. Which is why I am making these Peanut Butter Chocolate Dilly Bar Banana Bites all. the. time.
I think the best way to illustrate the importance of this recipe is by starting this post with a little insight into our El Lay lives.
A few months ago, our apartment was broken into. The culprit really didn’t take anything, but he/she trashed the place, leaving mud everywhere and our doors wide open. I’m lucky because it could have been a lot worse, but it still left me feeling shaken and insecure in my apartment.
About a week after that, C had a school event that went late, so I went to bed before he got home. Right after falling asleep, I woke up to the noises of someone with mud encrusted boots on walking around in our living room. Instinctively, I threw my arm across the bed to wake up C but when I did, I immediately froze with fear. C wasn’t in the bed. Of course, I thought, I just went to bed… he won’t be home for a few HOURS. I grabbed the kettlebell I keep under my bed (I know, a 30-lb kettlebell is v intimidating to a ruthless murdery home invader), pre-dialed 9-1-1 into my phone, and slowly rounded the corner into the living room.
I was both shocked and appalled by what I saw next. An undies-clad C was sitting on the couch in the living room, eyes closed, holding a half-eaten baguette in his hands (I was carb loading for a marathon at the time so I bought that baguette for me)
Yes, my C was sleep eating a three-foot-long baguette.

I double checked the time on my phone, and realized that it was 3AM; I had been asleep for HOURS. I watched in awe as C consumed literally FEET of baguette in his sleep. I must have been standing there awhile because he eventually woke up and was equally as weirded out to find me in front of him in my jammies, clutching my kettlebell to my chest.
Marriage man… it’s a weird thing.
The point I am trying to get across here, is that C is a master snacker. The kid requires a LOT of food. I grew up with brothers, I thought I knew what I was in for, but feeding C is like throwing sand dust into an incinerator. No matter how big his meals are, he’s CONSTANTLY snacking. And I’m not exaggerating, I will wake up with crackers embedded in my shoulders (#sexi) because my husband even sleep snacks.
So as you can see, I need to keep our kitchen STOCKED with healthy snacks, because if I don’t, C dives into the world of prepackaged cookies, crackers, chips, and candies. And while those things are great once in a while, they don’t do any favors to the tummy of my Crohn’s-ridden husband.

One of my favorite go-to’s (and probably C’s favorite) are my paleo Peanut Butter Cup Dilly Bar Banana Bites. It’s a lot of words, I know, but the treat lives up to all of them. First of all, they are stupid easy to make, the ingredients are cheap, and they are stored in the freezer, so I can make HUGE batches at a time. They’re a rounded-out snack of protein, fat, and carbs, so they actually fill C up and keep him full (at least somewhat full… it is C after all) and TBH, I love them too. If a Reece’s peanut butter cup and a DQ Dilly Bar had paleo a baby, this would be it.
Perhaps the best part is that C can sleep eat these bad boys all night long without leaving me afraid n kettlebell-armed on the phone with the police in our living room at 3AM. I’m sure you can relate.
So WITHOUT FURTHER ADO: I present to you, paleo Peanut Butter Cup Dilly Bar Banana Bites.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Dilly Bar Banana Bites
- 2 banana
- 1/2 cup plain greek yogurt
- 1 tbsp natural peanut butter
- 2 tbsp powdered peanut butter (or additional natural peanut butter)
- 1 tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp coconut butter (or additional coconut oil)
- 2 tbsp cacao
- toppings as desired
- Combine Greek yogurt, peanut butter, peanut butter powder, maple syrup, and gelatin in blender. Blend until well combined. Place in the freezer while you slice bananas into approx 1/2-inch slices.
- Take mixture out of freezer and place one spoonful on top of each banana slice. Place banana slices back in freezer while you prepare the chocolate coating.
- Melt coconut oil and butter until liquid (this takes approx no time so keep your eyes on it… I melt it in a mug in my toaster oven). Stir in cacao. Take your topped banana slices out of the freezer and cover them in you chocolate mixture. If you’re going to add toppings, add them immediately as the chocolate hardens pretty quick. I love topping mine in hemp hearts and coconut. Chris loves chocolate and paleo granola… you do you 🙂