If you can find fifteen dollars and fifteen minutes, then you can find fitness.
Welcome to Plant. a strength series! We will walk through how to gradually strengthen your muscles up by integrating workouts into an active lifestyle. We are going to be planting ourselves into a position to train for life here, not for a number on the scale, a dress size, or a tropical vacation. This is for those of you who want to feel more firmly planted in yourself, in your strength, and in your abilities. We will get stronger, and GROW: grow your capabilities, your muscles, and your confidence. You may lose weight and you may gain weight. But this is NOT a weight loss guide.

This series will be broken up into digestible phases to get you from feeling self conscious to feeling like a bad-ass boss, both inside the gym and out (but don’t worry… we start at home 😊). It is how I found my way to strength and believe me, if I can find my way there, then ANYONE can!
Phase 1 workouts and downloads are live NOW! Make sure to subscribe below for exclusive Plant. content and Phase 2 previews.
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