[Click here to skip the blog post and get your own Quarantine Calendar]
I have something I need to get off my chest.
I have been LOVING this quarantine.

&& this came as a VERY unexpected surprise. You probably know by now that I don’t sit well. “Staying in” is definitely not my forte. But HOLY smoke-stakes batman, I’ve been LOVING IT ALL.
I love having C at home working with me, I love my at home strength workouts (back to my resistance band roots HOLLA), I love getting creative with pantry ingredients, and I have been loving the excuse to spend more time at home doing things purely for the sake of bringing joy.
It’s amazing what a little pattern interruption can do for the soul 😊
One thing that C n I did that has made a HUGE difference for our household has been our Quarantine Calendar, a 5-week calendar with one intentional activity each day meant to bring joy. We have yoga, art, guitar, photography lessons, skateboarding, baking… and it all makes me smile!
Look, I love TikTok and Tiger King as much as the next person, but the amount of screen time I was getting in was making me feel sooo lethargic and blahhh. Having something to look forward to every day has been a COMPLETE game changer (also it has really helped us to remember what day of the week it is… #yolo)
Our calendar originated on a chalkboard that we already had in our apartment, but because I love n adore you all, I’ve put a digital copy up on the blog. Filling it out was a complete blast (because who doesn’t want to ask themselves “what do I want to do on this day?” 35 times in a row?) and it has already proven to be WELL WORTH the 15 minute investment.
I even put up our actual calendar (in digital version) so if you’re feeling stuck, feel free to steal ours! (although there are some location-based items so… yeah)

Click here to get your Quarantine Calendar downloads!
HAPPY FRIYAY internetmigos!