EMOM stands for Every Minute On the Minute, and the youths pronounce it eeeee-mom. An EMOM workout is broken into minute-long intervals. 15 minute EMOM workout = 15 intervals. Each minute is assigned an exercise and number of reps. You have the entire minute to complete the reps and whatever time you have left over is your rest time.
For example, let’s say you’re doing an EMOM workout and your minute 1 move is 12 push-ups. You do 12 push-ups and it takes you 40 seconds. That means you have 20 seconds to rest before starting your next move!
If you were doing a 3-minute EMOM workout of push-ups, air-squats, and lunges, it could look something like this:
Minute 0-1: 12 push-ups
Minute 1-2: 12 air-squats
Minute 2-3: 12 lunges.
Simple enough right??
I know what you’re thinking… But Grit, what if the minute is up and I’ve only done 10 push-ups???
(just kidding)
They get incorporated into your next minute! So now your workout will look like this:
Minute 0-1: 10 push-ups
Minute 1-2: 12 air-squats + 2 push-ups
Minute 2-3: 12 lunges.
So as you can see, it’s a slippery slope, kids. You need to stay on your minute. If you find you’re slipping consistently in your EMOM workout, drop your reps, so you can complete your reps without sacrificing form and always feeling behind in your workouts.