Hello, friends! My name is Grit and I have a passion for wellness and active living.

I don’t work out for a living. I am not a nutritionist, nor am I married to one. I don’t have the latest in clean eating products surprise shipped to my door and I don’t have an accountability team tracking my macros. What I do have, however, is a cookbook from my grandma’s health foods store (circa 1948), a master’s degree in mechanical engineering, and an expensive (albeit dope af) husband in law school.
I live in Los Angeles California with my husband, C.
Okay, to be completely honest, I live in Long Beach, California with my husband, C. It’s kind of like Los Angeles’ less impressive younger brother. Think less attractive, less celebrities, less mountains, less surf, less matcha lattes, and less Soul Cycles. But despite all this, C and I were drawn to it’s beautiful… rent prices. You see, rent is also less, so we found a cheap, postage stamp apartment located a couple blocks away from a wave-less, but sunny beach and happily settled in.
My husband, C, is a law student in Los Angeles proper. As such, despite the fact that I have my master’s degree in mechanical engineering and despite the fact that I work approximately 800 hours a week (give or take +/-820 hours), we are broke, and that’s okay.
Yes, being broke is stressful. And yes, law school is stressful. Working as an engineer in the construction industry is stressful, living in Los Angeles (OKAY OKAY… Long Beach) is stressful, and being a young female in the workplace is stressful. Hell, sometimes waking up is stressful! But I work hard to balance our wellness and our wages to promote health, joy, and freedom in our lives.
For some more of my background: