Sometimes I have weeks where I fire on all cylinders. I crank out my work, I tear it up at the gym, my apartment is effortlessly clean, and my blog posts go up seamlessly and cohesively.
And some weeks, I can barely function. I go to work without my key fob. I lock myself out of the apartment. I get to the gym, only to realize that my shoes are at home. I bake a double batch of chocolate chip cookies… sans the chocolate chips.
So what does one do with a double batch of chocolate chip-less chocolate chip cookies? I had a few ideas. Freeze them and hand them out as Christmas ornaments in December? Go to the park and feed the birds? Take my tennis racket and my cookies to the pier and launch them (along with my frustration) into the ocean?
I was definitely leaning towards the latter when I realized I had something else unique lurking in the depths of the fridge. Lime wedges.
I had them for… uh… a lime… salad.
So I pushed aside the tequila that was sitting in front of the limes and set them on the counter next to my very, very sad cookies and THAT’S when it struck me, Key Lime Pie.
Who doesn’t love a good key lime pie?? It’s refreshing, delicious, and hello, IT’S A PIE do I even need any other reasons?

Now it took a couple iterations to get this recipe right, but luckily, I had a double batch of cookies to experiment with… *sigh*… and the pies I ended up with are pretty magical. There is no refined sugar, the texture is spot on, and they’re high protein, low-carb, and made with cultured cottage cheese which is far nicer on the tummy than your standard dairy products. The fresh lime makes a world of difference and its solidified with gelatin, which is good for your skin and for your digestion. Also, they take approx. two seconds to whip up and all you need is a blender.
So without further ado: Key limes pies:

Key Lime Pie
Pie filling
- 1 cup Good Culture Cottage Cheese
- 6 tbsp Ascent Native Fuel Vanilla Whey Protein
- 2 tbsp coconut brown sugar
- 1 scoop Vital Protein’s Gelatin
- 1/4 cup coconut oil or butter
- 1/4 cup almond milk
- 1/4 cup fresh lime juice
- 1 tsp lime zest
- 4 crushed chocolate chip cookies (or cracker or cookie of choice)
- 2 tbsp ghee
- Preheat your oven to 375F and line your muffin tin.
- Crumble cookies in bowl and combine with butter. (I use my fingers because #yolo) Pack them into the bottom of your muffin tin (or mini cake pan) and back for 6-8 minutes.
- Place all ingredients, except gelatin, in blender. Blend until well combined. Pour mixture into a small sauce pan and warm mixture on LOW heat. Once mixture is warm, add gelatin and stir until well incorporated.
- Pour mixture into pan and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Remove from fridge and enjoy 🙂